You may think that choosing a business name is no big deal, but getting it right is crucial because it can make a difference to your branding. Remember that your business name plays a significant role in creating your customers’ first impressions. So, before you name your business or process the necessary legal documents, ensure that your business name is appropriate.

During the selection process, you might have heard of numerous suggestions that’d help you name your business. However, there are many mistakes you should avoid, and these include the following:

1. Not Researching the Competitor Names

Your business name will serve as your brand, and customers may get confused if you’ve chosen a name similar to a competitor’s. In addition, you’ll find it hard to create your company’s unique identity that’ll capture the heart of your target customers.

As a solution, make sure to use a free business name search platform similar to Swyft Filings to know whether or not your preferred name is taken. If possible, choose a creative business name that establishes a unique identity while clarifying what your brand does.

2. Selecting a Name Without Doing Trademark Search


Nothing is more depressing than fixing your business name and planning your marketing strategies only to know that another brand or company has been using it. Even for small businesses, using similar names is never recommended if other organizations have already claimed them by trademark rights.

Once you do so, you may get a cease and desist order for illegally using the name. Therefore, before using a specific name to complete your brand, search online about the name’s availability. It’s also essential to do a professional trademark search before settling with any name.

3. Selecting a Long Name

When it comes to business names, shorter is always better. Most popular companies have names with fewer than 13 characters. Longer business names are hard to remember and can be tiring to memorize.

Ensure to keep your business name short for the following reasons:

  • Everybody quickly gets distracted these days. Never make people work hard to recall what your company does. Once customers need solutions, you’ll want them to come straight to you. When customers perform a broad search, you’re likely to lose them to your competitors.
  • You’ll meet potential consumers everywhere. You want your most forgetful people to recall your business name without seeing a brochure or a business card.

If you really want a longer name, try coming up with a short version of that. For example, you can abbreviate your business name.

4. Not Doing a Domain Name Availability


When you’re considering a business name, you also have to keep your domain name in mind. The domain name is your website’s Internet address. Even though you don’t plan to set up your own website immediately, you must reserve the domain you wish to use to ensure that nobody takes it. Luckily, domain registration is affordable and requires a minimal expense.

Matching your domain name to your business name can be challenging because countless names are already taken. However, there’s nothing you should worry about when the domain name is taken because some domain registrars show alternative versions you can choose from. If you don’t see suitable names among the suggestions, you might want to choose another business name.

5. Using Complicated Spelling

Never tie your brain in knots trying to choose a business name with a unique spelling. The last thing you want to do is confuse your target audience with a business name they can’t write or say easily. As a result, you’ll lose valuable business opportunities, and your customers still won’t know how to find you.

If using coined words, make your spelling intuitive. For example, if you use a made-up name, ensure it’s easy to spell.

6. Choosing a Business Name That Limits Business Growth

Before you trademark your business’s name, make sure to choose something that’s wide-ranging enough to give your company enough room for growth. For example, a geographic business name is popular. Unfortunately, once you consider it, you won’t be able to expand your business.

Unless you’re sure to stay in a certain location, never use geographical elements in your business name. The same goes when naming a business after a service or a product. This is especially true if you’re planning to expand your services or product offerings in the future.

7. Using Hyphens and Special Characters

While special characters and hyphens seem harmless, they can be off-putting for some consumers. Besides, other people prefer not typing and adding hyphens when looking for products or services, so it’s wise to avoid them for your business name and even on your website.

The use of special characters may also complicate online searches and make your business name difficult to remember. However, if you still want to use a special character in your business name, you may use the ampersand sign, which is ‘’ and means the word ‘and.’

8. Using Irrelevant Business Name

Many businesses operate in specific industries and niches. Staying relevant to your goals, mission, products, and services when selecting your business name will help your target customers know about your business. With this in mind, avoid using an irrelevant business name.

By using a relevant name for your business, it’ll give your potential consumers an idea of what you offer and what you do. In addition, you’ll avoid confusion and ensure that they end up with the business they’re searching for.


This is also why most hairstyling businesses use terms such as ‘hairstyling’ and ‘salon’ in their names. With such, it makes it easier for consumers to find you online because it provides context to search engine algorithms. So, even though your business name isn’t completely unique, search engines will be able to include your company’s social media accounts and website in relevant search result pages.


Choosing a business name isn’t something you should rush. After all, it’ll be your company’s precious asset. While the selection process can be challenging, if you keep the above mistakes to avoid and put in more time and thought, you’ll be able to come up with the best business name.