
All companies, of any size and in any branch of the economy, can be developed. The organization develops the company, the strategy promotes its growth and innovation gives sustainability to the business.

Based on this, we will work with a concept of enterprise development at that involves three important dimensions for any organization. We call this concept MEI: its maturity, its strategies and its capacity to innovate. The sum of these dimensions generates positive results in the organization’s cash and equity.

1. Maturity


The organizational dimension reflects the maturity of organizations! The more well structured they are, it is a sign that they have better understood business processes and, certainly, they will have more control over their operations.

We must not confuse well-structured companies with disproportionate structures. Many companies create huge organizational charts, which transform them into a labyrinth of departments and sectors that add nothing to the company’s management, making it bureaucratic and slow. The maxim of “the right people in the right place” is the guidance we use to guide the construction of the ideal structure for each organizational situation.

2. Strategy

If the company is mature to conduct its business, it will seek a strategy for growth. Certainly the next step is to establish a set of structured actions, designed to achieve the priority targets that will provide you with the desired growth.

3. Strategic planning


Without a set of strategies planned for each possible future scenario, the company’s growth tends to be quite slow and, many times, it doesn’t even happen. Strategic orientation is essential for the company to respond to environmental and market changes, in an appropriate manner and in the shortest possible time, to take advantage of opportunities and defend itself against the threats that arise at each moment.

A crucial aspect of strategic planning to guarantee enterprise development is taking corrective actions. Whether you’re dealing with customer complaints, audit finding, or non-conformance, taking corrective actions using a reliable tool can help you land a resolution quickly. A corrective action software program provides a single place to view and analyze issues and address them in a systematic way. Learn more about using corrective actions software to improve your business workflow at

4. Innovation

Finally, companies that achieve growth that sets them apart from the rest need to adopt a business sustainability strategy. There is no better way to remain sustainable than to promote constant innovations, which make the business gain competitive advantages in a continuous manner.

For innovation to be part of the business it must be inserted into the operational routine and the first step is the introduction of an innovation management process: a structured way of capturing, evaluating and implementing ideas generated within or outside the organization, systematically. This first step should foster a culture of innovation in the company and foster, among the interested parties, relationships aimed at a continuous evolution of the business.

As innovation management consolidates itself as an important strategy for the organization’s sustainability, the next step will be the implementation of a Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) area that will be responsible for larger projects and for the integration of the company with research centers and collaborative innovation environments.

5. Marketing actions and sales strategies


Marketing actions are crucial for your product to be known and publicized in the consumer market. A business plan defines what tactics will be used by a company’s marketing sector.

Define your target audience and find the best ways to contact them. Take advantage of the fact that social media is on the rise and make your company enter the virtual world to consolidate itself more and more in the market.

6. Risk analysis

Risk analysis is a key element of a successful business plan, since, although you plan and try to imagine all the situations that can happen to your business, and unforeseen incidents can still occur.

A resource used for this analysis is the FOFA matrix – also known as SWOT analysis or Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Thanks to its use, it is possible to identify the advantages and weaknesses of your company. See below how each step of this analysis works:

  • Strengths/Forces: The positive factors of your product are verified in relation to the others offered in the market;
  • Weaknesses/Weaknesses: Here the points that need to be improved are identified;
  • Opportunities/Opportunities: The external aspects that favor the growth of your company are identified.
  • Threats/Threats: Seeks to know the negative factors that threaten the development of your product.

The SWOT matrix is ​​just one of several solutions to avoid errors in its management. Be sure to analyze each situation in your company patiently and calmly and develop a good business plan.

7. Analysis of results


As the processes take place, the results obtained need to be analyzed. If these do not meet what was previously established, it is up to the entrepreneur to review his concepts. Also remember to improve what is working to always improve your business management.

A business plan is not a document that must be untouchable and cannot change over time, so always keep it up to date.

Business development applied to the strategic plan

All strategic plans take into account our vision of the dimensions of enterprise development. In the process of analyzing and designing strategies, we consider whether the organizational structure and culture are aligned with the concepts of business sustainability.

We chose this line because we believe that effective strategies always promote actions that make companies everlasting, therefore, built to serve the next generations of customers and entrepreneurs.

To guarantee the success of the development of a company it is important that everyone participates in the process! Key people need to be involved in the change process and actively participate in the construction of a business culture that favors the growth of people and the organization, valuing the participation of everyone in the innovation process.

Imagining that a company can grow without its employees participating in this growth is not in line with reality. A large company is the result of a collective effort by all those interested in its development.

There are no magic or ready-made solutions due to the high degree of data customization for each business, sector and business strategy.

Finally, the enterprise development is becoming real in several companies and industries. It will increasingly be a central point in digital business strategy. The topic is relevant and should be addressed in an unrestricted manner between the various departments.