
One year is a long period. If you stick for that period in a single workplace, you’re going to encounter one thing – a season of giving gifts. When you’re a company operating for one year, you’ll want to give something to your clients. Humanity is good in its essence. We love to give and receive gifts. It is a tradition among all races, religions, nations, and ethnic groups. Companies are no different. Most of our employers and colleagues engage in giving and receiving gifts. In its essence, there’s nothing wrong with it.

But, if you dig a little deeper there are a few things that could go wrong. It is easy to go astray when you pick or receive a gift. In a big company, there are already some rules and customs established to regulate the situation during the time of year when exchanging gifts is the norm. But, what if you’re not running or working in an already established company? Yes, what happens when you’re a new entrepreneur? Well, things are a little bit different. Rules and norms are yet to be established. One thing is sure, if you’re new to the business you don’t know how things work.

In this article, we’re going to debate the six dos and don’ts of corporate gift giving for new entrepreneurs. We say debate, as we’re going to allow you to participate, and correct us if you think we’re wrong. Of course, your opinion will be first heard in the comment section. Even if you disagree, we are inclined to believe that we’re on spot here. After all, we have a few things to suggest from, and when you see what they have in store you’ll be thinking the same way as we are thinking while writing this article. Now, let’s see what’s acceptable, and what’s not when it comes to gift-giving.


1. Create a Policy And Obey It

When you’re a new entrepreneur, this domain won’t be regulated. You have to regulate it. once you create a policy things will be easier for everyone involved. You need to be aware of all the shortcomings your domain might have in this department. Before handing out gifts to your clients, you need to make sure they’re up for it. What’s their policy on gifts. You not only need to establish the rules for your enterprise but learn those of your clients, or be prepared to talk to their HR for more details.

2. Personal, not Promotional


When you’re sending gifts to your clients and partners. You need to leave your companies on the side. Yes, the present needs to be tasteful, but not sturdy. No, make it personal. they need to feel exposed as an individual when it comes to receiving a gift. This is the best approach to take. Tell them that you know them and that you care. That’s the right path to take. But, beware of promotions. Your gift mustn’t, under any circumstances look like a promotion of your company or a product. No, leave that for business meetings and conversations regarding your future work. When it comes to gift-giving make it personal, not promotional.

3. Represent Your Company

As we said, avoid promotion, but stand up for the values you represent. It is not only about sending out a gift. It is about showing the valuation of your partners. Tell them how much you care by giving them a worthy present. Of course, don’t go over your budget, but make sure that it is not cheap. As we said, show them how much you value them, but also how much your company is worth. This could be only a small detail, but even with the smallest gift, you can show how large can you become.


1. Don’t Lower The Quality

When you run a company everything works on a budget. If you’re going to engage in corporate giving you’ll have a budget set or that. But, even if you have many gifts to send out, that’s not a reason to lower the quality of gifts. You mustn’t do this under any circumstances. Overspending is not an option, but sending out cheap and low-quality gifts doesn’t do the job too. You mustn’t think only about the one who receives a gift. No, you need to have your reputation in mind.

2. Don’t Bribe People

Sending corporate gifts is not a small task. It is something you do for both your clients and your company. It needs to have a place where it comes from, and an objective to achieve. But, it is much deeper than the usual superficial things. One thing that a corporate gift must never be is a bribe. It is too easy to enter this territory. This is why you need to be alert and avoid it. The best way to avoid it is to know the rules and policies your clients have in place in their companies regarding gifting. Somewhere it is not acceptable. It is not only about your intent to bribe someone. It is about the way it can be interpreted on the other side. Remember the grass isn’t always greener over there. Also, as Madonna would put it – the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

3. Don’t Go With Standard Gifts


As we said, this is not about going overboard and putting too much strain on your budget. But, it needs to be done with taste, and avoid some of the most common gifts a man can encounter. Standards present such as pens or wall clocks are fine, but they won’t get you anywhere. They won’t impress nor they will increase your stature with your clients. They can be only neglected. Don’t go for typical. Go for extraordinary. Leave an impression. Ensure that it’s not a gift they have already received, or a gift they have dozen of copies. When you’re a new entrepreneur, you need to stand out. Corporate gifts could do this for you. If you don’t know what to get, go back to our third paragraph, maybe you’ll get an idea.