
If you want to sell your house but it needs repairing or certain improvements, you can always use the personal loan in this regard. Mortgage require some collateral in the form of house ownership and more years to pay the amount. Personal credits can be in the form of secured or unsecured.

Secured one requires some collateral whether in the form of any asset or in the shape of saving the account. Secure one has less amount of interest charged on a theme. On the other hand, unsecured one does not require any collateral, but they can charge you a higher amount of interest rate.

A little repairing or improvement in the form of painting your house, little touch-ups in your kitchen or re-adjusting the bathroom can cost you a huge amount. But if you choose the right kind of financing mode such as personal loan, your investment can pay you huge whether in terms of increasing the life of your home or increasing the value of your home for reselling purpose.


You can use a personal loan to improve the following areas of your home;

  • Kitchen remodeling
  • Bathroom touch-ups
  • Swimming pool
  • New patio, Balcony, Terrace or a new porch
  • Exterior changes
  • Make your home greener by installing solar panels
  • Replacing windows, doors, etc.
  • Other home repairs

When you modify or replace the roof, air ducts, vents, or gutters, you are extending the life of your house and preventing any serious damage to it and in result increasing its selling price.  But not everyone has the money to make these improvements on their own. That’s where the personal loan can help you to modify your home.

Thus, experts from claim that the best type of home improvement credit is personal loans. In such a personal borrowing, you can advance money with the fixed interest rate that has the fixed servicing schedule monthly.

Another main merit of the advance is that most of them are unsecured so you can get the advance without putting your home as a mortgage. In comparison to these personal loans, the lines of credit in home equity forms mostly use the client’s equity in the form of a down payment as collateral.

You must be thinking how the personal loan is preferred to the home equity borrows. Following are the reasons you must prefer to advance over home equity loans.


1. You have freedom: the advance amount you can get is not limited to the price of your home. You can get as much low or as much high as you want in case the renovation of the house requires a longer period.

2. A shorter period of repayment: the advance is mostly payable in two to seven years while on the other hand home equity borrows are payable in a longer period of twenty years.

3. Fixed-rate: Personal loans have fixed interest rates. It means that their interest rate won’t change with the increase and decrease of interest rate in the market.