
In order to successfully implement remote access in your company, it is quite important to balance the needs of your workers against the needs and goals of your company. People working for companies want to have flexibility, comfort, and freedom of working from any place using their smartphones, while companies need to have an easy-to-use, scalable option that will allow them to control and secure access to the company’s data.

By choosing the correct remote desktop access solution, it can be much easier to gain the balance and it will also help companies move to a mobile workforce and implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Hence, in this article, you will be able to read about what features to look for when searching for a secure remote access desktop solution. Let’s take a look:

1. Remote access should be available from any browser or device


Since the idea of remote desktop access is based on allowing employees the chance to work from a wide range of devices that are available at the place they are located at, your solution for remote desktop access should not places restrictions on the users’ choice of browser or device. This means that you should search for a browser-based solution.

2. It is user-friendly


Most employees that work remotely will not be IT geniuses. Since they will be out of office – working from other locations – or even work off hours, the support that they might need will be limited. By choosing a remote desktop access solution that does not include a difficult setup, you will be making a lot of things easier for your employees. The more user-friendly the software is, the easier it will be for employees to be more productive.

3. It offers high levels of security


One of the biggest worries that company owners have when it comes to remote desktop access is the security of the data since the data can be exposed during its transit over the Internet and onto devices that are not protected. The remote access tool should be able to provide security features and it should allow you to use your VPN and IPsec services. Absolutely avoid solutions that heavily rely on the employees to configure the security settings, since they might not know how to do it properly.

4. It should provide reporting and monitoring

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Software like these should be able to offer insight for your management team and your IT team into how the software is being used. You should look for something that offers centralized management and reporting that will enable you to exactly know who is using the remote access and what apps or programs they are using. Business intelligence reports and analytics can be useful for you since you will be able to identify any activity that is suspicious. You can read more here.

5. It offers permission control


Not every worker that has remote access should have the same privileges and permissions. The software you choose should allow you to set up customized permissions  and controls according to the roles of individual employees. Since employee turnover and the growth of the company are always changing, user administration should be as straightforward as possible.


When you are considering to implement remote desktop access into your company, make sure that you correctly evaluate the solution, as well as its impact on your IT team and your employees. Hence, you were able to learn about the things you need to look for when choosing a remote access solution, so do not waste any more time and start planning your implementation strategy.