
If you want to get ahead at work and move up in your career, you have to show your employer that you are willing to go above and beyond to help your company succeed.

Read more about this on IDEX for insights from recruiting experts.

To improve your chances of getting promoted, evaluate how you are currently doing to make sure that you are meeting all of these standards:

You are doing your current job to the best of your abilities


When your employer is considering whether or not to promote you, they will take a close look at how you have been doing in your current role. If all of your previous performance reviews have been stellar, your odds of getting promoted are high. Talk to your manager or supervisor about any goals that you should work toward in terms of your performance. You can also take a list of goals that you want to accomplish to your boss for approval.

Make sure that the objectives that you are working toward are a good fit for the overall goals of your company or your department. Keep your supervisor in the loop as you get closer to achieving your objectives.

You work well with others


Getting involved at work is a great way to build your reputation. Anytime a new project comes up, offer to help out. Whenever possible, participate in committees or jump on board with task forces. If there is an opportunity for you to help out, always take it. This is especially important when things are extremely busy in your department. By developing good relationships with your colleagues, you can demonstrate that you work well with others. Make sure to focus on building relationships with co-workers who are equally as interested in helping the company succeed rather than associating with people who are dissatisfied in their jobs.

You always show up for work

If you want to prove that you are a good employee, you need to show up on time every day. Avoid taking extra time off above and beyond your allotted sick leave, vacation or personal time.

You have excellent networking skills


Focus on forming relationships with your colleagues. Building connections at work can improve your chances of getting promoted. Work on building a relationship with your manager, as well. The odds of someone in a managerial role promoting an employee they know rather than hiring a stranger are relatively high.

You constantly work to improve your skills

Anytime your company provides training opportunities, always participate. You may even want to think about taking classes on your own to gain additional skills. If necessary, go after any certifications that could improve your chances of getting a promotion.