Think your hiring practices are top-notch? Guess again! There’s always room for improvement, and one way to do that is by incorporating psychometric testing into your process.

Psychometric testing is a scientific method used to measure candidates’ suitability for a role. It can give you an insight into a person’s cognitive abilities, personality, and specific skills related to the job they are applying for.

Organizations use it in different ways, but usually, the aim is to use it as part of a holistic approach to recruiting. This means that organizations will use other methods such as interviews and work samples in addition to testing.

There are different types of psychometric tests, but they all measure either cognitive abilities or personality traits. The most commonly used in organizations are aptitude tests and personality questionnaires.

How it can improve your hiring organization?

There are several benefits to using psychometric testing in your hiring organization. First, it can help you to identify applicants who have the necessary skills and abilities for the job. Second, it can help you to weed out applicants who do not have the right temperament or personality for the job. Third, it can help you to assess how well an applicant may perform in the role.

It can be an invaluable tool for improving your hiring organization. If you want to integrate psychometric testing, contact ASC

The types of psychometric tests available

There are a variety of different types of psychometric tests, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common types are:

  • Aptitude tests: They measure a person’s ability to learn new skills or knowledge. They can be used to predict how successful a person will be in a particular job or role.
  • Personality tests measure a person’s personality traits, such as their level of extroversion or agreeableness. They predict how well a person will get along with others, or how likely they are to perform well in a certain job or environment.
  • Interest inventories estimate a person’s interests, such as their preferred type of work environment or type of work tasks. Their purpose is to match people with jobs that suit their interests.
  • Intelligence tests evaluate someone’s intellectual ability, such as their capacity for abstract thinking or problem-solving. They are conducted to identify people who have the potential to excel in certain jobs or roles.

How to choose the right tests?

The first step is to understand what you want to achieve with the testing. Do you want to measure cognitive ability, personality, or both? Once you know what type of test you need, you can start looking at specific tests.

There are many different cognitive ability tests on the market. Some measure general intelligence, while others focus on specific abilities like the verbal or mathematical ability. When choosing a cognitive ability test, it’s important to make sure that the test is valid and reliable. Validity means that the test actually measures what it’s supposed to measure. Reliability means that the results are consistent and accurate.

Personality tests are also available in a variety of formats. Some personality tests focus on specific traits, while others produce a more generalized profile of an individual’s personality. When choosing a personality test, it’s important to make sure that the test is valid and reliable. You also want to make sure that the test is relevant to your organization and the position you’re hiring for. For example, if you’re hiring for a sales position, you may want to choose a personality test that measures traits like extroversion and agreeableness.

Once you’ve selected a few potential tests, it’s important to pilot them before using them in your actual hiring process. This will give you an opportunity to see how well they work in your specific organizational context.

When used correctly, psychometric testing can be a valuable tool in your hiring arsenal. By taking the time to choose the right test for your organization, you can increase your chances of making a good hire.

How to administer psychometric tests
  • Use a reputable testing provider: There are many reputable providers of psychometric tests, so make sure you choose one that is reputable and has a good track record.
  • Make sure the test is job-related: The test should be designed to measure the specific skills and abilities that are required for the job. It should not be used as a general intelligence test.
  • Ensure the test is valid and reliable: It should have been validated against a sample of employees who have already been successful in the role. The reliability of the test (the degree to which it produces consistent results) should also be established.
  • Give clear instructions: Candidates should be given clear instructions on how to complete the test, including how much time they have to complete it. They should also be told what type of answer format is required (e.g., multiple choice, essay).
  • Administer the test under controlled conditions: The testing environment should be quiet and free from distractions. All candidates should be given the same amount of time to complete the test.

How to interpret test results?

When interpreting the results of a psychometric test, it is important to keep in mind that there is no single interpretation. Instead, the results should be considered along with other information about the candidate, such as their resume and interview performance.

Here are some things to keep in mind when interpreting psychometric test results:

  • The results should be considered along with other information about the candidate.
  • There is no one “correct” interpretation of the results.
  • The results should be used as one piece of information in the hiring decision, not as the sole basis for making a decision.


By screening candidates using psychometric measures, you are able to identify individuals who are likely to be successful in your organization and those who may pose a danger to the workplace. This information can help you make better decisions when filling positions, as well as avoid potential problems down the road.