Most people work their entire lives with the dream of having a peaceful life post-retirement. While most working individuals set aside some money to build their nest egg for their life after retiring, managing finances on your own can be challenging and come with tax disadvantages and other caveats that necessitate a retirement plan. If you have thought about managing your retirement finances efficiently, you might have come across terms like 401(k) or Roth IRA. Both types of retirement plans allow individuals to secure their post-retirement future financially, with a certain degree of flexibility and tax advantages, among other benefits.

Choosing the right type of 401(k) for your financial needs is important to handle your finances in a way that works for both your present and future selves. The ideal 401(k) plan allows you to live comfortably, minimize unwanted taxes, and build a reliable retirement fund that will protect the future of your family once you retire. Whether it is traveling the world after your retirement or saving funds for your children’s college education, there is no better way to save for the future than a 401(k) plan.

What Is a Solo 401(k)?

A Solo 401(k) is a retirement plan designed for self-employed individuals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, solo proprietors, independent contractors, and more. Solo 401(k) plans from Ubiquity are ideal for small businesses that are managed by one person, whereby the said person is both the employer and the employee. With these plans, you can contribute to your 401(k) as both an employer and employee, with each set of contributions following a set limit.

Most people prefer these 401(k) plans because they allow a greater amount of contribution per year compared to a traditional 401(k) offered by an employer. By contributing to two unique capacities, you can save up to $61,000 annually before tax. For individuals who plan to remain the sole proprietors of their small business, a solo 401(k) is the perfect place to get started on saving funds for a comfortable and secure retirement without any worries of retirement fund taxation.

Why Should You Choose a Solo 401(k) Plan?

Some of the most desirable benefits of choosing a solo 401(k) include the following.

Easy Setup

While all the financial jargon can seem intimidating at first, the process of signing up for a solo 401(k) is quite simple. Most providers allow you to start your solo 401(k) in minutes, offering you an opportunity to start saving immediately once your account is ready. You also get immediate access to tools that make it convenient for you to handle your 401(k) and invest your funds according to your financial goals.

Flexible Loans

Although it is advisable to let your 401(k) mature till you reach retirement age, you can access your money at any time in case you need to borrow a loan against your 401(k) account. If you have a solo 401(k) account, you can borrow up to $50,000 or half of your plan value (whichever is less), which serves as a good backup for times of financial hardship.

Tax Advantages

Tax advantages are one of the most desirable features of any solo 401(k). Depending on the type of your 401(k), you might be able to adjust the timing of your tax collection. Individuals with traditional solo 401(k) accounts get an initial tax break to lessen the overall burden. If you opt for a Roth 401(k), your earnings will grow free of taxes if you let them mature until the age of retirement.

Diverse Investment Options

Solo 401(k) accounts allow you to invest your retirement funds smartly and diversify these investments to reap greater rewards. You can make investments in multiple low and high-risk domains depending on your financial goals, such as index funds. Your plan provider will also assist you in investing in different funds by providing you with the requisite resources.

How Do Solo 401(k) Plans Work?

If you sign up for a solo 401(k), you can contribute to your retirement account in two capacities: employer and employee. To qualify for such a plan, you must be self-employed or the sole employee of your small business. Businesses that have more than one employee do not qualify for a solo 401(k).

As an employee, you can contribute up to 100 percent of your earnings or up to $20,500, whichever is less. For individuals over 50 years, additional contributions, also known as catch-up contributions, are allowed up to $6,500. As an employee, you can contribute up to 25 percent of your earnings or up to $40,500, whichever is less. Overall, with a solo 401(k), you can contribute up to $61,000 in retirement savings.

You can potentially save twice the amount of allowed contributions to your solo 401(k) if your spouse also earns income from your business, and similar limits apply to your spouse as you.

Traditional Vs. Roth 401(k)

Traditional 401(k) plans allow you to contribute to your retirement fund and avoid paying taxes for the year. In such retirement saving plans, your total amount will become tax-deductible when you reach retirement age and withdraw funds from your account. On the other hand, a Roth 401(k) allows you to contribute your post-tax income. While comparable contributions for the latter might be lower, it is important to note that the funds deposited in a Roth 401(k) are not subject to any income taxes at the time of retirement. If you feel that your tax rates might be higher when you retire, you can reduce your tax burden by opting for a Roth 401(k) instead of a traditional plan.


A solo 401(k) is the ideal way to save funds for your retirement, especially if you want a quick and convenient way to start building your nest egg. These plans are perfect for self-employed individuals and provide various advantages, including tax breaks, loan flexibility, easy setup, affordability, diverse investment options, and more. By contributing to your retirement fund as both an employer and employee, you can save twice the amount to achieve your post-retirement goals and live a comfortable life after 60.