
Your company is flourishing. Your marketing system is bringing in the leads, your salespeople are closing deals regularly, and your customers are recommending your services to new people. So, you’re now thinking of scaling up your business. However, you need to scale the right way. Otherwise, you risk ruining a good thing.

Capacity & Capability


When it’s time to take your company to the next level, how do you start scaling your business for growth? Even if you’ve proved your business model is successful, scaling will introduce novel problems if you don’t go about it the right way.

Unless you improve your infrastructure’s capacity to handle the new data influx and your staff’s capability to manage the rapid influx of new customers, you’ll reap a whirlwind of chaos.

3 Critical Steps to Grow Your Business

Three critical steps to scale your business properly are to upgrade your technology, improve your website, and take care of your staffing needs.

1. Upgrade Your Technology

If you run a company with tight margins, then you may be reluctant to invest in a technological upgrade because of the high upfront costs. However, any changes to your IT to improve overall technological functionality will pay for itself in the long run.

Besides running the latest operating system, updating your hardware and software to the latest versions, and improving the reliability and speed of your network, also consider some high-end technology upgrades like installing a SCADA Automation Service. According to Telstar Instruments, this technology “… feeds the centralized data back to a human interface.” It essentially makes it faster and easier for managers to direct repairs to power systems in various locations.

2. Improve Your Business Website


Improving the infrastructure of your business will increase its capacity to handle a far heavier workload. However, these changes will be invisible. Your customer base will be blissfully unaware of your smoother and more efficient technical systems and that your employees can now accomplish far more in a lot less time.

However, improving your website will impress new customers. So consider evaluating and creating more compelling content, making your pages load faster, and adding more sales letters and calls to actions.

Think of your website as a portal for your business. It’s how customers will first get to know, like, and trust after they respond to your online or offline advertising.

3. Take Care of Your Staffing Needs

Two issues you need to strengthen your staffing is to improve recruiting and retention and to improve staff training.

– Improve Recruiting and Retention

Your business has probably grown to its present level of success because of your well-trained staff. However, you will probably have to hire many more people to manage your expanded operations.

How do you get the best people? By raising the bar on your employee recruiting system so you find and hire the most qualified people.

You should also consider new ways to keep staff if your company has a high turnover problem. Increasing the size of your business will only make this problem worse. According to, one potential solution is offering corporate relocation opportunities, that give your staff a chance to grow and develop professionally and increase their network.

– Improve Staff Training

To get your new employees up to par, improve your employee training systems to make on-the-job learning more accessible.

Some ways to do this is to motivate your managers to get more involved in onboarding people, get telecom tools to serve remote workers, and develop systems to offer cross-department training to improve your business.

Tweaking Isn’t Enough and More Isn’t Always Better


Scaling your business is not just a question of just making a few small changes and doing more of what’s working.

If you take that naïve approach, you risk collapsing your business because neither your infrastructure nor personnel will accommodate rapid growth.

Many unsettling issues could emerge:

– Your business will lose orders.

– Overwhelmed staffers will irritate customers.

– Manufacturing will fall behind schedule

– Service delivery will be too slow.

You can nip these potential problems in the bud by meticulously planning for business growth.