
When you first start your business, you’re probably focused on making it as successful as possible. But what about when your business grows bigger than you ever imagined? If your business is handling more customer orders or revenue than you ever could have imagined congratulations—you’ve hit a growth milestone. But hitting this stage doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax. There are a few things you need to do in order to manage and grow your business successfully.

Preparing for a Bigger Growth Phase


One thing to consider is hiring more employees. With more people working on your project, it will be easier to handle the additional demand and keep everything moving forward smoothly. Another thing to consider is investing in new equipment or software that can help streamline processes and make your work faster and easier. Finally, maybe consider expanding into new markets or products. Doing this can give your business a boost in growth as well as broaden its customer base. If you don’t know where to start, it might be a good idea to hire a professional like CEO coach Mitch Russo.

Overcoming Common Challenges when your Business Grows


When your business grows, there are bound to be some challenges that come with it. Here are four common ones and how to overcome them:

  1. Lack of time or resources: This is always a big issue for startups trying to scale up. You may find that you don’t have enough time to devote to the business, or your resources (staff, budget, etc.) may be limited. There are ways to overcome this challenge though; for example, by delegating tasks and sharing the workload.
  2. Limited reach: When your business starts off, you might not have a lot of customers or clients who are geographically close to you. As your company grows though, this may become an issue; you may find that you’re unable to service all of your current customers adequately or that new customers are difficult to acquire due to location constraints. There are ways to overcome this challenge though; for example, by focusing on expanding your reach geographically or through marketing efforts targeting specific markets.
  3. Competition from rivals: When your business begins growing fast, it’s likely that others will also start growing fast as well – this can lead to fierce competition and low margins. You can overcome this challenge by creating unique value propositions or by implementing aggressive pricing strategies.
  4. Poor communication and coordination: When your team is growing larger and more diverse, communication can become increasingly challenging – especially if everyone has their own agenda and expectations don’t always align. By establishing clear communication channels and establishing protocols and standards for team behavior you can make this problem go away.

Keeping Employees Motivated during a Rapid Growth Phase


Make sure you are communicating with your employees regularly to keep them up-to-date on the company’s progress and what they can expect. This will help to maintain motivation, as employees will know where they stand and have a sense of Ownership in the company’s success.

Foster a team mentality: Encourage employees to work together as a team, and promote cooperation and communication among teammates. This will help to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction, motivated by the common goal of success.

Keep things simple: When things start to get hectic, it can be hard for employees to stay focused and motivated. Make sure you keep your processes simple and manageable so that employees can focus on their tasks.

Take time each week to celebrate company successes – this will help to motivate employees and keep them upbeat during times of growth. Additionally, give employees awards or bonuses for performance that meets or exceeds expectations – this will also encourage teamwork and positive attitudes towards work.

How to structure your Financial Plan for a Rapid Growth Phase


In a rapid growth phase, your finances will likely take on a different structure than during the steady growth phase.

Assess what kind of financial framework will work best for your business. A traditional finance framework may not be appropriate in a rapid growth phase, as you may need to allocate more capital and make more aggressive investments. An alternative approach is to use cash flow forecast tools or pay-as-you-go financing methods, which allow you to manage your expenses and generate immediate cash flow.

Set up strong financial controls. In order to ensure that you stay within your planned budget, it’s important to have strong financial controls in places, such as quarterly reviews of expenses and revenue, regular reporting of performance metrics, and adherence to debt repayment schedules.

As your business grows, it becomes increasingly important to diversify your portfolio in order to mitigate risk and protect yourself from potential downturns in the economy or stock market prices. This can be done by investing in stocks, bonds, real estate properties, and other assets.

Create an employee benefit plan (EBP). An effective EBP can help attract and retain talented employees while providing them with benefits such as health insurance coverage and retirement savings plans. In addition, an EBP can also provide tax advantages when distributed to employees through salary reduction or retirement accounts.

Determining When it’s Time to Scale Back


If your business is growing at a faster-than-expected rate, it’s important to determine when it’s time to scale back. Here are signs that your business may be too big for its britches:

  1. You’re experiencing high overhead costs. When your business starts reaching higher levels of operation, you likely need to hire more people and purchase more expensive equipment or services. This increased spending can quickly add up and put a strain on your profits.
  2. You’re struggling to keep up with customer demand. When your customers start asking for more products or services than you’re able to provide in a timely manner, it’s time to reassess the size of your company. If you can’t keep up with customer demand, you run the risk of losing them altogether, which could lead to serious financial problems down the road.
  3. Your sales growth has slowed down significantly. A slowdown in sales growth typically indicates that your company is growing too fast and is likely out of control. In order to maintain profitability and avoid falling victim to complacency, it may be necessary to scale back gradually over time rather than all at once.
  4. You’re running into operational problems due to increased traffic or demand from customers. Increased traffic often leads to longer wait times or heightened demands from customers that go beyond what your company is prepared to handle (i.e., higher call volumes). When this happens, it’s important to take action quickly and address the underlying issues causing the problem. Otherwise, you could end up experiencing serious consequences, such as lost revenue or customer attrition.
  5. You’re experiencing high employee turnover rates. When your employees are constantly quitting or requesting to be transferred to other departments, it’s a clear sign that your company is too big for its britches. In order to maintain a healthy work environment and avoid staff shortages, it may be necessary to take measures such as implementing a hiring freeze or offering more generous benefits packages.


Congratulations on your new business venture! If you’re like most people, you’ve been working hard to get your business off the ground and into a successful position. But what if things take off faster than you could have imagined? In that case, it’s important to start planning for the next step – scaling up your business. Scaling up can be a bit daunting, but by following our tips, you can make the process as smooth as possible.