
This is probably the best time to start a video production. YouTube and Instagram are at the peak of their popularity meaning that this could be a great time to invest in your own video production company. As with any trade, there are several things you want to carefully consider before making this investment.

If you are seriously thinking about starting your own business, keep reading this text to get familiarized with everything you need to know. We are going to discuss some elemental equipment that is necessary as well as some business-related decision you will have to make in order to run a successful video production company. Since we are going to cover only some basic things, you should do further research and read more on the subject of starting video production.


The first thing we are going to cover is the equipment you need. When choosing every piece of equipment, it is of imperative importance to think about the videos you are going to film. There are different types of cameras, lighting and sound equipment, so thinking about the video in advance is crucial. Do you want to start small, filming YouTube videos? Are you going to film only indoors or you might record some outdoor videos as well? This is relevant because you will need special camera features, lighting and audio equipment.

Clearly, your first investment should be a high-quality camera. Research available camera designs online, learn about all their additional features and find the one that is within your price range. In addition, invest in a good and multifunctional camera lens. These can be quite pricy, but if you purchase the one which turns out not to be perfect for your camera, you can simply sell it online and get the most of the money back.


Furthermore, you will need to invest in good sound and lighting gear. It doesn’t matter how good your camera work is if the sound quality is bad, and the audience has a hard time understanding an interview or a presentation. Lighting is equally important whether you are filming outdoors or inside a studio. Maybe you’re recording a video in a small, dark studio, or simply the gear is throwing a lot of shadows.

This can all be fixed with top quality lighting equipment strategically positioned around the studio. The best part is that you don’t have to buy all the gear at once. You can rent each piece of equipment, try them out, and make a purchase once you have found the one that works the best for you.

We are moving on to some business-related things to consider. Naturally, the first thing you have to choose is the name of your video production company.


Try to think of a unique name, something short and easily remembered. Another important thing, when starting a business is, of course, the business plan. Think about the direction where you want your company to go and the goals you want to reach. Also, consider whether you’ll have to hire other people to work with you and help you develop the company. Moreover, create a marketing plan for advertising your business.

If you are starting a small company, you can probably do this on your own and later, down the road hire a marketing agency that will do the work for you. Nowadays, there are many ways of advertising a business. Design a website and post your work to present it to potential clients. Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and so on to reach a large number of people. You can even do some work for free because people love getting good, quality stuff without having to pay for it. Film a children’s theater performance and give the video footage alongside your business card to parents, how knows maybe they will hire you to film some special event in the future.


To conclude, starting any business can be daunting and time-consuming. As you can see the secret is in good planning and organization.