
If there’s one thing that the events of recent years have shown us, it is that staying connected is absolutely necessary.

After all, when we were stuck inside our homes, the internet was what enabled us all to keep working, send the kids to school, and take care of ordinary tasks. And that’s just the start of how an online connection is such a big part of our everyday lives.

In this guide, we’ll discuss why the internet is more valuable than ever and how it affects the overall smart home experience as suggested by Plume. Plus, we’ll take a look at what happens when your connection goes down and why it is always a good idea to have a backup plan.

The Power of the Internet in Modern Life


When it comes to the internet, a lot has changed. What was just a cool new trend a few short decades ago is now an absolute necessity for how we live, learn, and thrive.

However, few people take the time to really break down the absolute benefits of having such a connected world. Remember, our grandparents couldn’t even fathom the power of today’s technology when they were growing up. Yet, here we are.

To give you a better idea of why it is such a big deal in our lives now, let’s look at the benefits of having a constant online connection.

The Ability to Maintain Normalcy During Unexpected Times


Perhaps the best and most important reason why the internet is valuable is that it allows us the ability to maintain normalcy during unexpected times. Like we mentioned above, what kept the whole world going during the global pandemic was our ability to connect via virtual means—a theme that continues to play a role as life starts to return relatively back to what we’re used to.

For example, snow days might seem like a thing of the past to students who attend schools with online learning plans. Workers can login to video meetings from afar to conduct business all around the globe. And those who previously could not find employment due to physical limitations, daycare restrictions, or other issues can now enjoy rewarding careers by working remotely.

These are all key examples of how the internet has made it easier than ever to adapt to the ever changing conditions of our world.

Smart Home Devices Require Constant Connectivity


Did you ever imagine a time when you couldn’t turn on a lamp without first having internet connectivity? Or that you would need a smartphone to open your garage door? Those who have integrated technology to turn their current house into a smart home will tell you that a sudden outage is more than just a minor inconvenience.

Items like video doorbells, automated lighting, and smart thermostats save us money and improve convenience levels. But, they do have a downside. Without a constant connection or a backup means of accessing the internet, they simply don’t work.

From a consumer standpoint, this is another big reason why the internet is so vital to our daily lives. When we don’t have the ability to use simple devices in our homes because of connection issues, it can become both an annoyance and a safety concern.

On the bright side, being able to always keep the temperature inside your home at a steady level and turn on your sprinkler system from an app are majorly convenient most of the time.

The Element of Human Connection


Another reason why the internet is more valuable than ever? The element of human connection. When people are spread all over the world in today’s global society, the ability to connect via online methods is absolutely amazing.

Let’s talk about a couple examples. Instead of waiting weeks for a letter from a loved one overseas, families are able to jump on a video call and chat in real time. This is an amazing way of staying in touch without dealing with massive transportation costs. In this sense, the internet has kept military families in touch during deployments, allowed grandchildren to learn from their elders, and much more.

Human connection also extends to business. More opportunities are available now thanks to how easy it is to connect with others. For instance, salespeople can easily get in touch with their target customers via video call or even an email. Small and independent businesses can gain a farther reach than they ever thought imaginable. And the impact of what we’re all able to do as a society is far more enhanced thanks to the power of the internet.

What to Do When You Lose Internet Connectivity


Now that we’ve established the true power of the internet, we need to also discuss what to do when you lose internet connectivity. This can be for a variety of reasons, from broken equipment to a downed system or weather issues.

That said, it is important to have a backup plan if your everyday life is dependent on internet access—i.e. you work or attend school remotely. Start by deciding how you’ll connect if your primary source goes down, such as tethering a cell phone or going to a location that has free WiFi.

You might also have an alternate way of communicating with others to let them know you won’t be online for a bit. Keeping a list of phone numbers of teachers or supervisors to call or adding email access on your smartphone are great places to start.

Just like a power outage, it is good to have a few ideas of what you plan to do if your internet goes out for a brief period of time. Ensure your whole household is on board and everyone knows what devices are dependent on connectivity so that there are no surprises.

Wrap Up: Why the Internet is More Valuable Than Ever

There’s no doubt that the internet is more valuable than ever. From how we work and educate our kids to how we’re able to use specific devices within our homes, connectivity is absolutely paramount.